Here I go…again

So I was unsuccessful with my first attempt at meditation. I tried it in bed the other night. I fell heavily asleep. Yeah I dont think I meditated. I dont remember anything but waking up during the night thinking, did I meditate?

So with all my focus on mediation there is a massive emphasis to get it right. Which defeats the purpose really. I need to set the mood right? light a candle, play some relaxing music, time it with the sleeping patterns of the screaming children above me (which I really think are to the left of my unit, above me is a weirdo that goes on drug benders whilst playing Pink at 140 decibels at random times during the day).

I feel better today. Im in need of an attitude check really. Feeling sorry for myself is not conducive.

I wrote the above a few days ago, Ive been out and about for the last 2 days and back to rechecking my attitude. Just so you know.

So Im feeling the need to cleanse not only my mind but my body as well. I have been feeling a little sick and run down of late and the skin on my back is starting to resemble bed sheets with sand in them. Im also being pushed to eat more fruit, which I can drink but wont eat straight from the bowl. I have trouble with the consistency and taste of raw fruit in my mouth. (ok where else would I put it?) I can see the light but not yet convinced that adding fruit to my diet with help me. Vegies and salad are my thing. We’ll see.

My goal is to meditate tonight. I wont do it in bed, I will do it on the floor in my tiny bedroom. Yoga in there is not an option.

I used to do yoga quite a bit. I found that not combining it with meditation was just plain boring. So I stopped it because I had not yet learned to meditate, which I previously tried and gave up almost immediately. I found something else I could at least do well. Drink.

So here goes, I will have to hold myself accountable now. I have said I will meditate. Now I have to.  I will let you know how I go….

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